
The Tenerife Surf Camp (hereinafter referred to as TSC) is a product of the Tenerife Surf Camp Ltd. based in Spain, Calle La Sardana 9, 38618 La Mareta, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands.

By registering on this website, the participant (registrant) makes a binding offer to TSC to conclude a contract. If TSC only acts as an agent for a service, the respective general terms and conditions of the service provider of the tourist service apply. Should any part of these terms and conditions be invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms and conditions.

The holiday with TSC begins and ends exactly on the day stated on your invoice or booking confirmation. We are not responsible for travel to or from that point or for any costs, including travel accommodation, meals, and loss of earnings, caused by refused visas, delayed visas, delayed flights, health problems, delayed return to your place of departure, however caused, that TSC has an active role in.


A contract is formed when a booking confirmation is received by the participants from TSC either verbally or in writing (letter, email, etc.). In the case of last-minute bookings by telephone, when a written booking is not possible due to time constraints, a verbal contract is concluded. By booking with TSC, you confirm that you have read and agree to these conditions. No exceptions to these terms can be made for any reason, as we maintain a high standard of quality and have limited programme spaces available.


To secure your booking, the total amount must be paid within 3 days. If payment is not received within this period, the offer will be cancelled. The customer may cancel the contract at any time before the trip. However, TSC is entitled to reasonable compensation according to statutory provisions (see Cancellation by the participant). The person making the booking accepts responsibility for the payment for all listed persons and must ensure they are aware of the terms and conditions.

Changing your booking

Requests by the participant to change their booking will be accommodated where possible and will be charged at 30 EUR. Up to the time of arrival, the participant may request that a third party take over the rights and obligations arising from his/her contract. TSC may object to the entry of the third party for good cause. A processing fee of 30 EUR will be charged for rebooking; there is no entitlement to rebooking. If a third party enters the contract, the entering third party and the first person booked shall be jointly and severally liable to TSC for the invoice amount and the additional costs incurred due to the entry of the third party.

Cancellations by the participant

All cancellations must be made either by letter or by email and will be effective on the day they are received by TSC. The following amounts of the total tour price will be charged if you cancel your holiday with TSC:

  • 20% of the total tour price if you cancel more than 30 days before arrival,
  • 30% of the total tour price if you cancel 29 to 21 days before arrival,
  • 60% of the total tour price if you cancel 20 to 14 days before arrival,
  • 80% of the total tour price if you cancel 13 to 7 days before arrival,
  • 90% of the total tour price if you cancel 6 to 1 days before arrival,
  • 100% of the total tour price if you cancel 1 day or less before arrival.

We recommend that you take out travel insurance in case you book the trip and are unable to go for any reason.

Cancellation by TSC

TSC reserves the right to cancel or amend the participant’s trip if unforeseen circumstances arise. In cases where TSC is not able to carry out the trip booked by the participant (it is unlikely that TSC will have to make changes), TSC offers the participant the possibility to reschedule the trip for reasons of force majeure (war, political unrest, pandemics, strikes, acts of God, epidemics, natural and technical disasters, closure of ports and aircrafts, but also closed beaches).

Course participation, liability, and other important information

Surfing involves a certain risk to persons and property, even if it takes place under the supervision of qualified instructors. All participants must inform us if they have any medical conditions, illnesses, or allergies and if they are taking any prescribed medication that may affect their performance and participation. All participants must complete a registration form before being allowed to participate in any of the listed activities. Parents or guardians must sign for participants under the age of 18. TSC accepts no liability for any damage caused by failure to complete the registration form.

For the surf course, all participants must be able to swim at least 25 metres, unless experienced surf instructors make an exception. Participants must not under any circumstances be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication that could affect their physical abilities during the surf course. All participants must agree to follow the instructions and decisions of the TSC and its surf instructors. Participants may use TSC equipment during the lesson. While TSC will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and proper condition of the equipment, participants are responsible for immediately reporting any damage to the equipment or damage that becomes visible while the equipment is in their possession.

TSC does not seek to limit or exclude liability for personal injury or loss of life that may result from the school’s own negligence or that of its employees, officials, or agents. However, TSC shall not be liable for any personal injury, loss, damage, consequential loss or third-party claim arising without fault of TSC, its employees, officers or agents. Any other liability or condition implied by law is excluded as far as possible.

Surf/Weather conditions

In the rare event that TSC deems conditions unsuitable for surfing, we will endeavour to reschedule your lesson or offer alternative activities. Due to demand at certain times, there is a small chance that we may not be able to reschedule. In this case we will refund 100% of your money.

Accuracy of the brochure and website

Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the TSC brochure and website, they are intended only as a guide to the services offered by TSC. TSC accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in the brochure and website or for any minor discrepancies between the descriptions/content of the services in the brochure and website and the service itself.

Photo and video release

By accepting the Terms and Conditions during the booking process, the participant grants TSC the right to edit, alter, copy, display, publish, distribute and use any photographs and videos taken by the participant for use in and/or for lawful promotional material, including newsletters, flyers, posters, brochures, advertisements, fundraising letters, press kits and submissions to journalists, websites, social media and other printed and digital communications, without payment or other consideration. This permission extends to all languages, media, formats and markets now known or later discovered. The entrant agrees to this release without being compensated for it.

Law and jurisdiction

These terms and conditions form a contract between you, the participant, and us, Tenerife Surf Camp Ltd., which will be construed in accordance with Spanish law. It is agreed between both parties that each party submits to the jurisdiction of the Spanish courts.